Benjamin Mrisho Kaaya

My names are Benjami Mirisho Kaaya, born in the year 1961, 25th of Dec, on the Eastern slopes of Mount Meru, whereby my father’s farm were bordering the Arusha National Park with Momella Lakes to the North.

During my college,I studied automobile engineering, but due to sweet stories about wildlife which my father, as a local guide were narrating to his family during dinner around the fire, I decided to quit my current job as an automobile engineer to seek wildlife knowledge in Mali Hai Club, a well known National wildlife Management fraternity.

I therefore, studied botany, ornithology, and animal behavioral skills etc. Furthermore, I have undergone so many crucial refresher courses and seminars pertaining the same faculty.

During my tenure as senior guide with several renowned tour companies, I have encountered with a number of rare sightings, one that occured in the Ngorongoro Crater, by the lake area, was a young female black rhino, on her way to the wallowing pit, as she headed on, it happened that, the female ostrich were using the same trail from the other side, no one was ready to give in, abruptly the rhino having poor eyesight sensed an intruder when it was too close, however, she snorted loudly before the ostrich slapped her using her strong left wing which made the rhino to negotiate a sharp turn with a full speed to avoid the imminent danger but the mother ostrich couldn’t relent until she gave the young female rhino another good blow, with which she bolted unto to the thicket to safe her valuable life.

I am a self employed tourist guide, rich with long experience but anxious to show my guests the beauty of our nature. I therefore, I’m looking forward to do more encounters with you.